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Best TV Shows of 2. Watch What Would Jesus Buy? Online (2017). So Far. Now that we're three- quarters of the way into 2.

The wardens find closure to one of the most enduring mysteries in their organization's history. Also: a look back at their years of service.
But if you focus solely on pop culture—and on television specifically—this has been a banner year for diversity, with a ton of the year's most beloved shows so far focusing either on women or non- white protagonists (just look at the Emmy noms). Progressive wins aside, Peak TV is very much here to stay. There is so much good television happening, but we've whittled our list down to the true essentials of the year so far.
Check back in throughout the coming months to update your viewing schedule. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The Bold Type. Freeform. One of summer’s most unexpected pleasures was Freeform’s fresh, gutsy and all- around delightful dramedy about three young women fighting to establish themselves in the magazine business. At a time when too many shows default to the tired “frenemy” dynamic in lieu of actual female friendship, the bond between The Bold Type’s Jane, Kat and Sutton is a breath of fresh air. Plus, the show consistently bucked expectations, exploring sex, politics, and professional life with an absence of cliché and a rare lightness of touch.
Queen Sugar. OWNAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below. Season 2 of OWN's family drama—about the three Bordelon siblings and their late father's sugarcane farm—manages to improve upon its standout first season, building upon storylines established in Season 1, incorporating pertinent current issues, and focusing on the nuance, from tender moments between a recovering addict and her son to a candid portrayal of trauma following a young black man's run- in with a cop. Queen Sugar is unafraid to tackle the reality of this complicated family's life with honesty, and that's why it's one of the most important shows on TV right now. Julie Kosin. 3) Big Little Lies. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Co- produced by stars Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, HBO's high- pedigree miniseries initially looked set to be a delicious combo of catty suburban satire and brutal murder mystery.
But as the series developed, its characters deepened—Witherspoon as the queen bee struggling for control, Kidman as the best friend whose seemingly charmed life belies an abusive marriage, Shailene Woodley as the new mom in town running from a trauma in her past—and Big Little Lies became a thrillingly rich character drama, the twists of its plot paling in comparison to the shifting dynamics between complex women who, crucially, have each other's backs. Watch the full season on i. Tunes. 4) Feud: Bette and Joan. FXAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below. With its first run, Ryan Murphy's latest FX anthology series, Feud, proved it's about more than catty, ripped- from- the- headlines adaptations of famous beefs. Chronicling the infamous rivalry between silver- screen stars Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in the twilight of their careers, the season boasted two of the year's most surefire Emmy- contender performances from Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange, and consistently went beyond the surface to probe the insecurities and human tragedy behind the Hollywood legends. Watch the full season on i.
Tunes. 5) Legion. FXYep, FX had a pretty phenomenal winter. Fargo creator Noah Hawley’s superhero adaptation set in a psych ward is technically in the X- Men universe, but couldn’t have much less to do with the blockbuster world of the movie series. Playing on the ambiguity of whether its protagonist David (Dan Stevens) is suffering from schizophrenia or developing superpowers, Legion is one of the most surreal, daring, visually innovative new shows of the year. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.
Watch the full season on i. Tunes. 6) This Is Us. NBCHaving already become the major network success story of 2. NBC's heartstring- tugging family drama returned even stronger following its winter break. Focusing on Sterling K. Brown's Randall was the best move Dan Fogelman and his writers could have made; the character's quiet spiral into a nervous breakdown was played with devastating precision, as was his nuanced dynamic with his terminally- ill biological father (Ron Cephas Jones).
The cracks beginning to show in Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Rebecca's (Mandy Moore) way- too- perfect marriage also made things more gripping, layering on the heartbreak as the show continues to dance around Jack's mysterious death. Les Miserables Movie Watch Online. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.
Watch the full season on i. Tunes. 7) Riverdale. Billed as "Gossip Girl meets Twin Peaks," the CW's stylized teen murder mystery barreled out of the gate in January with one of the year's most confident pilots yet, immediately gaining a devoted fandom. Based extremely loosely on characters from Archie Comics, Riverdale begins with New York it girl Veronica Lodge (Camila Mendes) arriving in the titular small town, just in time to get wrapped up in the fallout from the mysterious death of a wealthy local teenager. Watch Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright Online Mic. This first season wasn't perfect (Archie's creepy fling with Mrs. Grundy is best forgotten), but it was a consistently fun and wild ride, establishing strong, three- dimensional characters and a distinctive tone.
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Watch the full season on i.
Tunes. 8) The Handmaid’s Tale. As you're doubtless sick of hearing by now,The Handmaid's Tale is the most frighteningly timely story of 2. Margaret Atwood's 1. Set in a dystopian near- future in which America has fallen under a fundamentalist dictatorship and women's rights have been abolished, Offred (Elisabeth Moss) fights to survive and maintain her sanity while enslaved as a "Handmaid" in the household of a military commander. In a time where sexual assault and anti- abortion rhetoric have reached the highest office in the land, the show is at times near- unbearable to watch because it's so close to the bone—but it's also very simply one of the most cinematic, articulate and exquisitely performed dramas of the year. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.
Watch the full season on i. Tunes. 9) American Gods. Starz. Bryan Fuller—previously of Hannibal and Pushing Daisies fame—is pretty much incapable of making anything other than visionary, joyously eccentric, singular television, and his Starz adaptation of Neil Gaiman's beloved fantasy novel is no exception.
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