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Prophetic Halloween before our eyes – Consider the Gospel. Sam Harris vs. the Valley of Dry Bones. We are now in the time of year where the stores are full of costumes of the dead, of spirits, of witches and the like. Yes, Halloween is coming and for many it’s the time to have cheeky fun at parties with role- plays or costumes of skeletons coming to life, or dead bodies walking around, all in good fun. Michael Jackson’s Thriller will be played, watched and danced to around the globe, because it’s perfect for Halloween. But long before Thriller was conceived, and even long before Halloween itself was celebrated, an eccentric man penned some vivid images that fit perfectly for Halloween of today.
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One can’t help but wonder if Michael Jackson had not read these lines as he choreographed Thriller – yet they were written about 2. The Valley of Dry Bones (with skeletons and corpses too)This eccentric man was given a tour in a valley ‘filled with bones’. Read how he described it: … the bones covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. Then as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones.
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Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them…. Then he said … “Come, O breath, from the four winds” … They all came to life and stood up on their feet—a great army.
A man whisked away to a valley full of bones which start to rattle and hum as they join together forming skeletons … and then dead flesh and skin starts to envelope the lifeless skeletons so that they become corpses. Then the wind blows wildly from all directions and the bodies all come to life and they stand up to become a great army. This sounds like a script from a horror movie ready to open up at Halloween! The Valley of Dry Bones – the Eternal Spirit’s prophetic message through Ezekiel. But the man who wrote this script was not interested in sending shivers down our spines. He was engaged in something much more serious.
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He claimed that this script was a message from God Himself. And remarkably, the events of history have played out such that this message was meant for us who are living today! How so? The man in question is Ezekiel who lived ca. BC and along with this vision (from Ezekiel 3.
He wrote: Then [God] said to me, “… these bones represent the people of Israel. I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel….
Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken, and I have done what I said. Yes, the LORD has spoken!’”… I will gather the people of Israel from among the nations. I will bring them home to their own land from the places where they have been scattered.
I will unify them into one nation on the mountains of Israel. One king will rule them all; no longer will they be divided into two nations or into two kingdoms. They will never again pollute themselves with their idols and vile images and rebellion, for I will save them from their sinful backsliding. I will cleanse them. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God. Ezekiel 3. 7: 1. 1- 2.
In other words these bones that Ezekiel saw in a vision 2. Jewish people. This is not my interpretation – Ezekiel explicitly said so himself. When Ezekiel wrote these words the Jews had previously been divided into two political nations but had now gone into exile to Babylon as a conquered and ruined people.
Just as every bone, by definition, has previously been a living organ in a living body, but is now ‘dead’, the Jews of that day saw themselves as formerly alive but now ‘dead bones’. Then Ezekiel had this vision of their eventual return to life.
The Jews in his day did return from the Babylonian exile a few decades after his vision, but he was not writing of that since it was a return only from Babylon, and they returned only as a province dominated within a vast Empire. They did not come alive as a nation. The Return of the Jews. In his vision Ezekiel foresaw a return from the ‘nations’ and ‘places where they had been scattered’ back to that same land that they had been ejected from, where they would be ‘one nation’ with their own ‘king’ or ruler. That did not happen until thousands of years later when the modern state of Israel was forged from a United Nations resolution in 1.
Only then did the Jews finally get a self- governing nation with their own ruler. In the intervening decades Jews have literally been returning (which they call aliyah) from ‘nations’ all over the world where they have lived since being sent into their second exile beginning when the Romans conquered Jerusalem in 7. Watch Fake Full Movie on this page. AD. Since 1. 94. 8 more than 3 million Jews from over 9. Israel. For a nation of 7 million people, having 4. What is even more remarkable is that Ezekiel ‘saw’ it in his vision 2. The Return – in context of Jewish History.
The timeline below showing the last 3. Jewish history illustrates this. Starting from the time of Moses the Jews have alternated between three different national dispensations indicated by the different color coding. Historical Timeline of the Jews – featuring Ezekiel & Isaiah. In the yellow periods, the Jews lived in the land promised to Abraham, but were not self- ruled from Jerusalem, their traditional capital.
The first yellow period, that of the Judges, saw the Jewish people live independent from foreign powers, but without centralized rule, and with no Jerusalem. This was followed by the green period, the golden age of Jewish history, where the dynasty of kings descending from David ruled from Jerusalem. But this ended in disaster when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and forced the Jews into exile in Babylon – the first red period. This is the time that Ezekiel lived (as well as Jeremiah and Daniel), and the time when the Jewish people saw themselves as ‘dead bones’. Watch Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Dailymotion.
Though they did return after a 7. Jerusalem. Rather they were provinces dominated within the successive Persian, Greek and Roman Empires. They were back to ‘yellow’.
This continued for over 5. Jews revolted against Roman rule but lost the revolt. Jerusalem was once again burned and destroyed, and the Romans this time exiled the survivors across the many nations in the larger Roman world. They were back to ‘red’ and they lived this way for almost 1.
Dead Bones’ Coming Alive in Front of our Eyes. Until our day! With the re- birth in 1.