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The Dark Knight (film) - Wikipedia. The Dark Knight is a 2. Christopher Nolan. Featuring the DC Comics character Batman, the film is the second part of Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy and a sequel to 2.
Batman Begins, starring an ensemble cast including Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Morgan Freeman. In the film, Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale), Police Lieutenant James Gordon (Oldman) and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Eckhart) form an alliance to dismantle organized crime in Gotham City, but are menaced by a criminal mastermind known as the Joker (Ledger) who seeks to undermine Batman's influence and create chaos. Nolan's inspiration for the film was the Joker's comic book debut in 1. The Killing Joke, and the 1. The Long Halloween, which retold Two- Face's origin.

The "Dark Knight" nickname was first applied to Batman in Batman #1 (1. Bill Finger.[4][5]The Dark Knight was filmed primarily in Chicago, as well as in several other locations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. Nolan used IMAX 7. Joker's first appearance in the film. Warner Bros. initially created a viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight, developing promotional websites and trailers highlighting screenshots of Ledger as the Joker.
Ledger died on January 2. A co- production of the United States and the United Kingdom, The Dark Knight was released on July 1. Australia, on July 1. North America, and on July 2. United Kingdom. Considered by film critics to be one of the best films of the 2.
The Dark Knight appeared on more critics' top ten lists (2. WALL- E, and more critics (7. The Dark Knight the best film of 2.

With over $1 billion in revenue worldwide, it is the 2. The film received eight Academy Award nominations; it won the award for Best Sound Editing and Ledger was posthumously awarded Best Supporting Actor.[1. The Dark Knight Rises, the final film in the trilogy, was released on July 2. Plot. A gang of criminals rob a Gotham City mob bank, double- crossing and murdering each other until only the mastermind remains: the Joker, who escapes with the money. Batman, District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant Jim Gordon form an alliance to rid Gotham of organized crime. Bruce Wayne is impressed with Dent's idealism and offers to support his career; he believes that, with Dent as Gotham's protector, he can give up being Batman and lead a normal life with Rachel Dawes—even though she and Dent are dating.
Mob bosses Sal Maroni, Gambol, and the Chechen hold a videoconference with their corrupt accountant, Lau, who has taken their funds for safekeeping and fled to Hong Kong. The Joker interrupts, warns them that Batman is unhindered by the law, and offers to kill him in exchange for half of their money, but Gambol puts a bounty on the Joker instead after he insults him. After escaping and smuggling himself as a corpse, the Joker kills Gambol and takes over his gang. Watch Safari Online Forbes.

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The mob ultimately decides to take the Joker up on his offer. Batman finds Lau in Hong Kong and brings him back to Gotham to testify, allowing Dent to apprehend the entire mob. The Joker threatens to keep killing people unless Batman reveals his identity, and starts by murdering Police Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb and the judge presiding over the mob trial. The Joker also tries to kill Mayor Anthony Garcia, but Gordon sacrifices himself to stop the assassination. Dent learns that Rachel is the next target. Bruce decides to reveal his secret identity.
Before he can, however, Dent announces that he is Batman. Dent is taken into protective custody, but the Joker appears and attacks the convoy. Batman comes to Dent's rescue and Gordon, who faked his death, apprehends the Joker, securing a promotion to Commissioner. Rachel and Dent are escorted away by Michael Wuertz and Anna Ramirez, detectives on Maroni's payroll; Gordon later learns that they never arrived home. Batman interrogates the Joker, who reveals that they have been trapped in separate locations rigged with explosives. Batman races to save Rachel, while Gordon attempts to rescue Dent. Batman arrives at the building, but realizes that the Joker sent him to Dent's location instead.
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Both buildings explode, killing Rachel and disfiguring half of Dent's face. The Joker escapes the jail with Lau. Coleman Reese, an accountant at Wayne Enterprises, deduces that Bruce is Batman and tries to go public with the information. After observing the unpredictability of the Joker, Maroni informs Commissioner Gordon of the Joker's location. The Joker sets fire to the mob's money, burning Lau alive in the process, and kills the Chechen. Brother Bear 2 Full Movie Part 1. Not wanting Reese's revelation to interfere with his plans, the Joker threatens to destroy a hospital unless someone kills Reese.

Gordon orders the evacuation of all the hospitals in Gotham and goes to secure Reese. The Joker finds Dent in Gotham General and manipulates him into seeking revenge for Rachel's death on Gotham's corrupt systems. The Joker then destroys the hospital and escapes with a busload of hostages. Dent goes on a killing spree based on a coin flip and targets people he holds responsible for Rachel's death, killing Wuertz and Maroni while sparing Ramirez. After announcing Gotham will be subject to his rule come nightfall, the Joker rigs two evacuating ferries with explosives; one containing civilians and the other containing prisoners.
He says that he will blow them both up by midnight, but will let one live if its passengers (who have been supplied the trigger to the other boat's explosives) blow up the other. Batman finds the Joker with a sonar device that spies on the entire city, with the reluctant help of Lucius Fox. Both the civilians and the prisoners refuse to kill each other, while Batman apprehends the Joker after a brief fight. Before the police arrive to take the Joker into custody, he gloats that Gotham's citizens will lose hope once Dent's rampage becomes public knowledge. Gordon arrives at the building where Rachel perished, at which point Dent judges his fate, along with his own and Batman's, with three separate coin flips.
The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs.
He shoots Batman, spares himself, and threatens to kill Gordon's son, claiming that Gordon's negligence caused his family to die. Watch The Game Of Death Online Free 2016. Before he can, Batman, who was wearing body armor, tackles Dent off the building to his death. Batman persuades Gordon to preserve Dent's heroic image by holding Batman responsible for the killing spree. As the police launch a manhunt for Batman, Gordon destroys the Bat- signal, Fox watches as the sonar device self- destructs and walks out of the room, and Alfred Pennyworth burns a letter from Rachel about her choice to marry Dent.

Cast. A billionaire socialite who dedicates himself to protecting Gotham City from its criminal underworld as a bat- masked vigilante who is hailed as its "Dark Knight" at night. Bale said he was confident in his choice to return in the role because of the positive response to his portrayal in Batman Begins.[1. He continued training in the Keysi Fighting Method and performed many of his own stunts,[1. Batsuit allowed him to move with greater agility.[1. Bale described Batman's dilemma as whether "[his crusade is] something that has an end. Can he quit and have an ordinary life?
The kind of manic intensity someone has to have to maintain the passion and the anger that they felt as a child, takes an effort after a while, to keep doing that. At some point, you have to exorcise your demons."[1.