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“The women were raped, not once or twice but ten, twenty, thirty and a hundred times, and it was all the same to the Russians whether they raped mere children or. Stream new movie releases and classic favorites on or on your device with an HBO app. Check back often for new releases and additions. Directed by Josef Rusnak. With Wesley Snipes, Lochlyn Munro, Athena Karkanis, Winston Rekert. Agent Neil Shaw is called out of retirement and finds himself in the.
Rape and Sex in German Cities After World War II Revisited (Part II)“The women were raped, not once or twice but ten, twenty, thirty and a hundred times, and it was all the same to the Russians whether they raped mere children or old women.”[1]Virtually nothing can be compared to what the Allied Forces did to German women after World War II. I honestly thought I knew enough about the brutal torture that the German civilians went through until I started reading Thomas Goodrich’s book. M. Douglas’ Orderly and Humane is the most rigorous work I have ever read on this particular subject, but Douglas understandably did not or could not cover everything in a 5.

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I certainly was quite pleased and honored when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to review Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1. She immediately got me in touch with the author, who graciously sent me a copy of the book. If you have read Orderly and Humane and found it to be eye- opening, then there is no doubt that you will find Hellstorm worth your time. Watch He`S Way More Famous Than You Megavideo. Goodrich is to be recommended for this painstakingly laborious work. He makes the historically convincing case that,“Of all the methods used to express its anger, the Red Army said it best with rape. From eight to eighty, healthy or ill, indoors or out, in fields, on sidewalks, against walls, the spiritual massacre of German women continued unabated.“When even violated corpses could no longer be of use, sticks, iron bars and telephone receivers were commonly rammed up their vaginas.”[2]We have documented in the past that rape was the most obvious form of revenge against the Germans.
The fact is that things were a lot worse than one would ever have imagined. One witness acknowledged,“The Russians were coming and going the whole time and they kept eyeing us greedily. The nights were dreadful because we were never safe for a moment.“The women were raped, not once or twice but ten, twenty, thirty and a hundred times, and it was all the same to the Russians whether they raped mere children or old women.“The youngest victim in the row houses where we lived was ten years of age and the oldest one was over seventy.
I am sure that wild and hungry animals would not have behaved any differently.”Then this moving account by a young girl: “When we were lying in bed at night we kept hearing steps coming up the stairs. They beat on the door with their rifle- butts, until it was opened. Without any consideration for my mother and aunt, who had to get out of bed, we were raped by the Russians, who always held a machine pistol in one hand.“They lay in bed with their dirty boots on, until the next lot came. As there was no light, everything was done by pocket torches, and we did not even know what the beasts looked like.”[3]Thomas Goodrich. As we shall see, this is not an isolated case. Watch Madison Online Fandango. How would you feel if your entire family was literally raped in public, in churches, around the clock, and in broad daylight—sometimes right in front of you? How would you react if your mother was raped in your presence, or if your young sister was literally sexually tortured just two steps away from where you stand?
After a German by the name of Leonora was forcefully told to undress some German young girls for the Soviets, “The Commissar told me to watch and learn how to turn the Master Race into whimpering bits of misery.”[4] Listen to what happened next: “Now two Poles came in, dressed only in trousers, and the girls cried out at their sight. Watch Live Nude Girls Online. They quickly grabbed the first of the girls, and bent her backwards over the edge of the table until her joints cracked.“I was close to passing out as one of them took his knife and, before the very eyes of the other girls, cut off her right breast. He paused for a moment, then cut off the other side. I have never heard anyone scream as desperately as that girl.“After this operation he drove his knife into her abdomen several times, which again was accompanied by the cheers of the Russians.“The next girl cried for mercy, but in vain—it even seemed that the gruesome deed was done particularly slowly because she was especially pretty.“The other three had collapsed, they cried for their mothers and begged for a quick death, but the same fate awaited them as well.“The last of them was still almost a child, with barely developed breasts.
They literally tore the flesh off her ribs until the white bones showed.“Another five girls were brought in. They had been carefully chosen this time, all of them were well- developed and pretty. When they saw the bodies of their predecessors they began to cry and scream.
Weakly, they tried desperately to defend themselves, but it did them no good as the Poles grew ever more cruel. Germany after WWII“They sliced the body of one of them open lengthwise and poured in a can of machine oil, which they tried to light.
A Russian shot one of the other girls in the genitals before they cut off her breasts.“Loud howls of approval began when someone brought a saw from a tool chest. This was used to tear up the breasts of the other girls, which soon caused the floor to be awash in blood. The Russians were in a blood frenzy. More girls were being brought in continually.“I saw these grisly proceedings as through a red haze. Over and over again I heard the terrible screams when the breasts were tortured, and the loud groans at the mutilation of the genitals.
I]t was always the same, the begging for mercy, the high- pitched scream when the breasts were cut and the groans when the genitals were mutilated. The slaughter was interrupted several times to sweep the blood out of the room and clear away the bodies. When my knees buckled I was forced onto a chair. The Commissar always made sure that I was watching, and when I had to throw up they even paused in their tortures. One girl had not undressed completely, she may also have been a little older than the others, who were around seventeen years of age.“They soaked her bra with oil and set in on fire, and while she screamed, a thin iron rod was shoved into her vagina until it came out her navel.“In the yard entire groups of girls were clubbed to death after the prettiest of them had been selected for this torture. The air was filled with the death cries of many hundred girls.”[5]That is just the beginning. One German victim lamented,“[A] big Russian came in.
He did not utter a single word, but looked around the room and then went to the back where all the young girls and women were sitting. He beckoned once with his finger to my sister.“As she did not stand up at once, he went close up to her and held his machine pistol against her chin.“Everyone screamed aloud, but my sister sat mutely there and was incapable of moving.
Then a shot resounded. Her head fell to the side and the blood streamed out. She was dead instantly, without uttering a single sound.“The bullet had gone from her chin to her brain and her skull was completely shattered.
The Russian looked at us all, and went away again.”[6]Some soldiers, who did not know that those beastly behaviors were taking place, later declared,“The mothers had had to witness how their ten and twelve- year- old daughters were raped by some 2. Women who tried to resist were brutally tortured to death. There was no mercy. The women we liberated were in a state almost impossible to describe.
T]heir faces had a confused, vacant look.