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Sounds like a hit: the numbers game behind Spotify cover songs. If you look through Spotify's community forums, you'll see a lot of users complaining about these tracks.
The biggest problem with Spotify is those cover songs." "Many of these are much worse than the originals, or at least not the same." "Too many cover bands."Spotify will probably never do anything about these complaints, in part because it rarely interacts with artists directly, and the dynamics of the platform make covering other artists extremely attractive. Spotify and, to a lesser degree, other streaming platforms have paved the way for hundreds of musicians to make businesses out of covering popular songs. These artists aren’t all as well known as the kids from Glee or Weird Al; in fact, you probably wouldn’t recognize any of them even if you saw them standing on a stage. Some hope covers will help them stand out in the endless landscape of hopefuls trying to carve out a space online, and that the millions of Spotify users searching for a big hit will find them instead. Others are singer- songwriters who tried to hack it as original solo artists only to find out that it’s way easier to make a living reimagining songs people already know. No matter what they hope to gain, they’ve found a niche in large streaming platforms, capitalizing on the intersection of huge audiences, broad search algorithms, and limited distribution deals that can leave fans searching in vain for high wattage stars.
COVER songs can lead to a far larger audience than original material. The idea of covers as a career- booster isn't new. In the late 1. 96.

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Elvis Presley began performing live again following an eight- year hiatus, he began to incorporate Beatles covers into his shows in an attempt to attract a wider (read: younger) audience. Earlier this year, Korn reminded everyone that they were still around by covering a Rihanna song. But cover songs aren't just a way to prove your commitment to novelty or vary the setlist of live shows anymore. On platforms like Spotify, playing riffs on popular songs can lead to a far larger audience than recording original material — all you need is a song people are already searching for. Any popular artist should do — Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, John Legend — but timing is important. The song should be fresh, but with enough mainstream appeal that large numbers of people will be looking for it.
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Then, with a little creative track name optimization and a halfway decent recording, you could be looking at a potentially huge audience. Jonathan Young begins each day by combing through the i. Tunes charts. If he sees a new song climbing the ranks, he'll listen and see if it's something he can work with. It helps if the song is simple, without complex harmonies or difficult chord progressions. He says most pop songs will take him only a few hours to record, because of their repetitive structure. I can usually record the guitar parts and the chorus once, and then copy and paste that three times," he says.
Young is a professionally trained musician who posts mostly covers and parodies of popular songs on You. Tube. He tries to upload a new song to his channel every five days; his previous "hits" include a pop- punk version of The Little Mermaid's "Under the Sea" (2. You. Tube views) and a parody of Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass" (6.
Young considers himself a You. Tube artist first, but he uses Spotify as an additional platform for his work. In the nearly two years that he's been making videos, he's gained around 6. His Spotify follower count pales in comparison, around 2,5.
Spotify, Young says, is less interactive and more anonymous, but that hasn't prevented him from racking up 7. Spotify cover: a heavy metal version of Big Sean's "I Don't Fuck with You."An accepted pothole on the road to unlimited free music. For listeners, the disappointment of expecting one song and getting another is now just an accepted pothole on the road to unlimited free music. You might not be getting exactly what you want, but the only loss is a few seconds of your time.
Users might even be more inclined to listen to a faux Taylor Swift song if they paid nothing for it, and this dynamic can lead to large (if initially mistaken) audiences for cover artists. A few mistaken listeners out of a user pool of 7. But many artists are banking on the idea that this "mistake" will translate into attention for their original work, or at least provide an income stream while they work on their primary catalog.
Jocelyn Scofield has been self- recording and releasing albums — four so far — since the early 2. After she left high school, Scofield pursued a music degree in college and lived in Chicago and Los Angeles, playing simple, sweet folk tunes in coffee shops and small venues. At first, she performed all original material — her 2. Nora Ephron movie. She dipped her toe into covers now and then; her 2.
Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" was on her second album, Unplugged & Unorganized. Prior to Spotify's launch in 2. Scofield had been uploading all of her music to i. Tunes. But Spotify offered a large distribution platform and a new way to gain exposure. The only problem: exposure is difficult if your songs are just a few dozen singles in a sea of tracks.
Scofield's early listeners were still the only people who knew enough to search her name, but on Spotify, she needed to reach a broader audience in order to make anything near what she could make selling digital downloads. That's where cover songs came in. Every time one of Scofield's songs is downloaded on i.
Tunes, she makes around 6. But if one of her songs is streamed on Spotify, she'll make just a fraction of a cent. Both Scofield and Young have done the math: "You would have to play one of my songs on Spotify 1. Watch Charlie Murphy: I Will Not Apologize Download Full.
I would make from one i. Tunes download," Young says. Scofield agreed that to balance revenue on the platforms, she needed at least several hundred times more Spotify streams than i. Tunes downloads. There was a period of time when the top search result for "Adele" may have been Scofield's cover.
Because of the payment discrepancy, Scofield has taken to keeping her original songs off streaming services, at least for the first few months. On Spotify, Scofield finds it difficult to break even on her originals, because they're more costly to produce than covers. But her covers will go up on Spotify immediately, because, in the same way Young copy- and- pastes verses, Scofield also cuts corners when a song isn't her own.
She won't rent a studio like she does with her originals, and she'll edit the songs herself, rather than paying a producer. It's faster that way, and cheaper. Plus, on Spotify, it doesn't really matter what a song sounds like — it can still find ears. Lots of them. Scofield has a handful of songs with more than 1 million listens, and many more with a few hundred, none of which are originals. Spotify's broad search algorithm is to thank and blame for this.
The service doesn't set naming conventions for cover songs, so a track can be titled "Love Story" with no indication that it's not an original, except maybe in the album name: Sounds Like Taylor Swift. So if you search for "Taylor Swift," Spotify might present you with a banjo- plucked version of "Love Story" by someone named Miss Sweet. Or you might get Scofield's cover of "We Are Never Getting Back Together" which she sings accompanied by a single piano.