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Fixit (RID) - Transformers Wiki. The name or term "Fixit" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Fixit (disambiguation). Fixit is an Autobot. Mini- Con from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family. Left aboard the prison ship Alchemor for who- knows- how- long, Fixit has a few tires truce- pliers moose- wires loose.
Youve Got Mail The story of two people who live in New York and know each other through the Internet. But in real life, they did not expect to be rivals: He is the. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Everything, Everything The movie tells the story of eighteen-year-old girl who suffers from an immuno-deficiency disease that prevents her from leaving her home and. On Cybertron, Fixit was an avid sports fan, with a particular fondness for gladiatorial combat. His favorite competitor was the hulking gladiator Groundpounder.
Damaged by the crash that stranded him and his Decepticon prisoners on Earth, Fixit's developed a few glitches, mostly an unfortunate tendency to get words wrong. Occasionally he'll even lock himself in a verbal loop.. He’s a bit of a motor- mouth, a bit gullible, and sometimes gets a little carried away in his need to be useful, but it’s hard not to like someone who's just so eager to help out.
LOL In a world that is connected to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, Lola - teenage girl with her friends manage to escape the pressures of everyday life. They want to.
Luckily, his scatterbrained nature hasn't affected his technical skills too much. His arms contain a multitude of tools, plus he can transform into a larger repair omni- tool, allowing him to tackle just about any repair job the Autobots might need. He spends most of his time at the Autobots' scrapyard base, where he maintains and repairs the Cybertronian technology salvaged from the wreck of his old ship. Lacking any real combat skills, he usually acts as "mission control" for Bumblebee and the Bee Team.
His behind- the- scenes duties include tracking errant Decepticon signals, consulting the Alchemor's old prisoner manifest, and calling up the relevant technical information required to help the Autobots get the job done in secrecy. Oooh! This wire needs surveillance—graciousness—< FZZZT> —maintenance! See? Fun! Fixit, Fire, When Ready! Fiction. 20. 15 Robots in Disguise cartoon. Voice actor: Mitchell Whitfield (English), Yoshiyuki Matsūra (Japanese), Alexander Kovriznyh (Russian), Federico Viola (Italian), Ahmed Abdul- Hameed (Arabic), Gerald Schaale (German), Miguel Angel Leal (Latin American Spanish), Ari Hursti (Finnish), Robson Kumode (Portuguese)On Cybertron, Fixit was an avid sports fan, with a particular fondness for gladiatorial combat.
His favorite competitor was the hulking gladiator Groundpounder. The Champ He was good friends with fellow Mini- Cons Flowchart, Schematic, and Rundown. Decepticon Island (Part 1)Fixit would go on to work aboard the maximum- security prison ship Alchemor, which contained some of Cybertron's most dangerous Decepticon war criminals. Pilot (Part 1) Stationed alongside a complement of identical Caretaker Mini- Cons, Fixit spent an indeterminate amount of time aboard, monitoring a small section of the ship and the prisoners stored there. Decepticon Island (Part 1) Like the other Mini- Cons aboard, he relied on his built- in weapons to keep the inmates under control, in the event of a prison break.
The Trouble with Fixit He apparently spent most of his time doing nothing. More than Meets the Eye. As the Alchemor passed the planet Earth, Megatronus, manipulating things from an alternate dimension, damaged the ship, sending it plummeting to the planet below. Watch Shoulder Arms Online Hollywoodtake. Lockout As it passed through Earth's atmosphere, the ship broke apart.
Decepticon Island (Part 1) The prow of the ship, where Fixit was stationed, crashed in the woods outside Denny Clay's scrapyard. Pilot (Part 1)Fixit sustained major damage in the crash, leaving him with his verbal tic, major gaps in his memory (leaving him erroneously believing that he was the only conscious member of the ship's crew), and an inability to access his weapons systems.

The Trouble with Fixit The crash also deactivated most of the stasis pods intended to keep the ship's inmates under control. Fixit struggled to reactivate the ship while trying to reestablish contact with Cybertron. He was eventually found by Bumblebee and Strongarm, who had arrived on the planet in response to a vision from Optimus Prime. Fixit briefed them on the Alchemor and its cargo until the ship's tracking system eventually rebooted, and the pair went to investigate a nearby signal. The Autobots encountered Underbite, and ended up having a fight in the wreck of the Alchemor while Fixit tried to take cover with Russell.
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As the Autobots fought Underbite, Fixit restrained Grimlock from joining in. Pilot (Part 1) While the others pursued Underbite, Fixit failed to make friends with Sideswipe, and continued with his repair work. He was able to get a stasis cell back online and scrounge up some capture tools which he supplied to the rest of the team. After Underbite's defeat, he and the other Autobots moved their equipment to Denny Clay's scrapyard. Pilot (Part 2)Fixit succeeded in detecting some nearby fugitive signals, and also in receiving a human distress signal. Trust Exercises After hearing tales of the Autobot's fight against Bisk, Fixit wished to be able to go out on a field mission, though it was against regulations.
He got his chance when Chop Shop attempted to steal liquid oxygen from a manufacturing plant, accompanying Denny while disguised as a human as they searched the plant for the Decepticon. Unfortunately Fixit found himself captured by Chop Shop and forced to act as the combiner's right arm, and to his alarm, he was used to batter his own friends. He finally managed to fight back, allowing the Autobots to capture Chop Shop. More than Meets the Eye. Fixit undermined the sobriety of Bumblebee's presentation of stasis pod locations by pointing out they resembled Megatron. After the team was sent to the Crown City Museum of Natural History and Sciences, he was able to fill them in on the Buffaloid.
Terrashock. W. W. O. D.? Sideswipe took advantage of Fixit's gullibility in order to skive off. He was later able to identify a Decepticon Hunter Strongarm managed to find, and also work out that Thunderhoof was working in the area. As the Kospego Commands! While trying to monitor the capture of Filch, Fixit managed to record himself on Larry La. Rue's camera in the process of trying to work out how it induced stellar fusion. Collect 'Em All. Fixit rigged up a proximity alarm for the scrapyard.
After Grimlock turned on the others and demolished them, including Fixit, Russell and Fixit discovered that Grimlock was being controlled by the cyber- tick. Minitron. Fixit repaired the comms system so that they could warn the other Autobots. True Colors Denny began clashing with Fixit over the former's participation in the repair of the Cybertronian weapons they'd found, leading to an all- out feud between pair until Russell succeeded in getting them to work together. Rumble in the Jungle. Caught up in an attempt to capture Ped, Fixit found himself being hit in the face a lot.
Can You Dig It? He operated on Bumblebee, extracting one of Quillfire's quills from his leader's posterior, and later guided Strongarm and Grimlock as they hunted the Decepticon. Adventures in Bumblebee- Sitting! After Fixit pointed the Autobots to the site of two Cybertronian ship landings, they returned with Drift and his two Mini- Cons. When Fracture turned up looking to collect the bounty on Bumblebee, Fixit helped Russell attempt to bluff the Decepticon with a video game. Hunting Season Fixit alerted Bumblebee to the four Decepticon signals he detected, which he later identified as Malodor and his crew of Skunkticons.
When the automated dam was about to dump a load of water, Fixit assisted Bumblebee remotely in shutting down the emergency locks. Out of Focus Fixit and Denny managed to finish two replica Decepticon Hunters, which they presented to Strongarm and Sideswipe. Watch In Lieu Of Flowers Online Fandango. Sideways. After a trip to scavenge energon with Bumblebee and Denny, Fixit joined the team as they hunted for a Decepticon in a nearby cave. The team, including the terrified Mini- Con, were captured by Nightstrike, who caused them to live out their worst fears — Fixit's was being on the junk heap — so he could feed on their energon. Even Robots Have Nightmares During a mission in the subways, Sideswipe's head was detached from his body by Vertebreak, and Fixit got the job of reading Vertebreak's notes so he could reattach Sideswipe's head.
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